Weekly Update

Weekly Update 1

September 6, 2024

Now that summer break is a distant memory, it is hoped that all Teachers are having a good start to the 2024-2025 school year. To the newest members of the ETFO Thames Valley Teacher Local (ETFO TVTL), a warm welcome. Your Union is only a phone call away. We are here to help.

Policy and Program Memorandum (PPM) 128
Local officers met Board officials in August to review the changes brought about by implementing PPM 128. Due to the PPM requirements, social media sites have been blocked on school board Wi-Fi servers. The Board is currently exploring the possibility of granting teachers access to social media sites.

PPM 128, The Provincial Code of Conduct and School Board Codes of Conduct stipulates that those members of the school community, including Teachers, must not use personal mobile devices during instructional time except for educational or medical purposes. Members should apply their professional judgment to the acceptable use of their devices.

Students from K-6 are to have any devices off/silenced and away during instructional time. Students in grades 7-8 are to have devices/silenced and away except with the permission of their Teacher. Students not following the expectation are to be reminded and then told to put their device in a secure location, as determined by the Teacher. If the student refuses, the situation must be reported to the office, per the Board’s direction. Instructional time should not be lost dealing with student’s electronic devices. Members should not touch students’ devices.

Presently many schools have classroom sizes that are non-compliant. The Local is meeting with HR on Tuesday, September 10th to begin reviewing school organizations. Fall Reorganization will be significant at many schools this year. Members should plan accordingly. The following are Ministry class size requirements. Members whose classes are out of compliance after reorganization should speak to their Principal first and then the Local if unresolved.

Kindergarten: Class size up to 29. 10% of the board classes may go up to 32 students.
Primary: Class size up to 20 students. 10% of the board classes may go up to 23 students.
Junior: 26 (+/- 4) students. Maximum of 30 students
Intermediate: 28 (+/-4) students. Maximum of 32 students.

Collective Agreement Highlight
As the ETFO Thames Valley Teacher Local moves out of collective bargaining, the focus shifts to enforcement of the provisions of the ratified Collective Agreement.

ETFO TVTL are in the process of reviewing the amended collective agreement, copies of which will be provided to Teachers and Principals as soon as possible.

A Collective Agreement Highlight will be emailed to all Teachers on Monday September 9, 2024.

See full Weekly Update: