Weekly Update 20 – Political Action Update 3
February 14, 2025
The Provincial General Election will be held on Thursday February 27, 2025.
Teachers are reminded that information about the following has been sent:
- Elections Ontario voting information.
- Links to Provincial political parties and platforms.
- Link to Building Better Schools, ETFO’s education platform.
- Student Vote election-related resources for Teachers that align to the Ontario Curriculum.
- Links to Local Campaigns.
ETFO Provincial Election Endorsements
Accompanying this update is a link to the list of ETFO Provincial endorsed candidates. ETFO Thames Valley Teacher Local recommendations are forthcoming.
Teachers are encouraged to volunteer and get involved in local campaigns. Make your vote matter.
CLC/OFL Campaign Resources
Accompanying this update are links to election resources from the Canadian Labour congress (CLC) and the Ontario Federation of Labour (OFL).