Allegations / CAS Allegations Involving CAS or Police BMS Training Behaviour Management Training Health & Safety Act Your Rights and Your Employers Duties Under the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) Incident Reporting Reporting Workplace Accidents Safe Schools Incident Reporting and Employee Incident Reporting Decision Tool Flowchart Safety Plans The Student Safety Plan Violence & Harassment Addressing Violence in the Classroom Bill 168: Protects Educational Personnel from Violence and Harassment in the Workplace ETFO Action: Violence in Schools - Brochure ETFO Action: Violence in Schools - Glossary ETFO Action: Violence in Schools - Poster Violence in Schools - Report, Recognize, Refuse - Poster Workplace Harassment and Sexual Harassment Workplace Violence in School Boards: A Guide to the Law Work Refusal Your Right to Refuse Unsafe Work Violence Work Refusal Checklist WSIB Reporting Workplace Accidents (WSIB) Workers Compensation for Chronic Mental Stress WSIB - Worker's Report of Injury/Disease